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Scalp Micro Pigmentation

About Us

What is Scalp Micro Pigmentation

The human scalp has more than 2,000 hair follicles per square inch. Many men and women suffer from balding, hair thinning, alopecia, scarring, or loss of hair because of medical conditions. It has been shown in many medical journals that blading in men and women causes loss self esteem, loss of confidence, increased stress or distress, lower body image satisfaction, and depression. We strive to bring satisfaction and joy to our clients to encourage self confidence. Many men and women turn to costly hair transplants or spend tens of thousands of hard-earned dollars to retrieve their hair. In many cases they receive poor results that did not match their expectations.


Scalp Micro Pigmentation is a great alternative to any invasive surgical procedures. The treatment simulates the appearance of a shaved head of hair; it can also be used to camouflage scarring, and/or for individuals with long hair who suffer from thinning. This non-invasive treatment gives immediate results, requires little maintenance, and provides a natural look. We use organic pigmentation to avoid harsh chemicals placed on your skin. The procedure is completed by using a specific needle and a proper tone pigmentation that matches your natural hair color. 

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